ul. płk Stanisława Dąbka 8, 30-732 Kraków
+48 511 748 566


0 Strona główna 0 OUR OFFER

Energy audits

2012/27/UE Directive makes it obligatory for large companies to carry out recurring energy audits

Construction of transformer stations

Constructions and redevelopment of pole- and container transformer stations and electrical grid connections. We also build new power lines and eliminate conflicts of existing ones.

Reactive power compensation

Elimination of excessively reactive energy consumption through design, delivery and installation of capacitor banks. We rely on our client’s invoices and measurements made by us.

Review, service and maintenance of transformer stations and electrical rooms

We perform comprehensive overviews of transformer stations and electrical rooms technical condition. We also maintain and repair these objects up to medium voltage level.

Measurements of energy systems

Comprehensive measurements of power, heat and compressed air systems. Thermovision imaging, top grade gear, extensive experience.

Energy consulting

Consulting in energy issues problems: improving energy efficiency of company, technical support (connection to the electricity grid, grid designing) and current service (reactive power compensation, contract and invoices analysis).


Energy performance certificates for buildings

Report specifying the amount of energy nedded to  meet the needs of the building. Necessary when selling or renting a property.

Supply and design of power system automation

Provision of power system automation for the power industry and design services.

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